Monday, May 10, 2010


Hey Hey Hey,
           She's back phew! How are u beautiful and wonderful people doing today? Moi? funny i shld be sad and broken but i am in high spirits dont knw if its a denial thing going on but i love it, frankly i think it was my pastor's words yesterday. Church was awesome and i think i just poured out my heart at God's feet, coupled with this angelic baby i carried through worship Oh cant wait to have mines!!!! Her mum was so sweet it was mothers day and i could tell she was tired and i just decided to help her carry her lil princess while she danced on her day.
Ok back to why i am sad.....Yup u were write Love, its not totally broken but really cracked and its make or break at this point and all i can say is God knws best. I probably shld not be telling all this but sumtimes i feel i am reaching out to someone who might just need to understand u are not alone in whatever situation u find urself. We all are human beings with blood flowing thru us, never ever think u r super human God made u for extra ordinary things not to believe u are beyond natural human feelings he has allowed to teach us, mould us, and bring us back to his feet.
Thru all this as well, a very good friend of mine also needed a breather from stuff going on around him, so my only other place to sulk was not available, it was a rough weekend but hey i am good. I know God is taking me thru for a reason. Now to other things, i need to do a write up on these wonderful creatures called men.
Ladies i knw u av a milion and other words u cld call them , but for the good ones out there its time we give them a lil recognition and tell 'em we see them ......
Myself and a friend of mine are on to a project and i am really hoping it falls thru, wonderful vision of his and i can only say i am privilege to be working with him on this, smart and intellectual dude and he sure is fun in his own lil world, pls follow my friend Bolu on twitter @Gidiguy......
Alrighty other than the same 'ol routine of work, school and a boring time nothing new has been up with me, i had a paper i submitted yday, God knws if i make a B on that paper God was with me, and he marked that paper himself cuz i was not myself thru the wknd, it reminded me of a time in my college days 2nd year wen i was broken hearted and of all semesters in that school it was the best semester in my entire grade of my four years! Lets just say i focus better through crisis? lets see what i score on this paper ill be sure to share....
Have a good one pple and stay blessed




how now? Looking for your email, btw.

funkola said...

you'll pull thru this one...just like you've pulled through everything else. fat hugs sweetie. you are a trooper.

Myne said...

I was waiting for the update. How are you sweetie?

Spesh said...

I love your template....nice blog you got here...:-)

Teejay said...

Thank u amazing ladies!