Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Yay! pple was up?? Happy Nu Month to everyone and its already the middle of the year i am uber excited.. How are u al doing hope gr8? Urs truly has had a real ryde is al i can say but i can tell u i am so smiling right now. First, specials shout out to my ladies, Funkolaani, Solomonsydelle & Myne whitman fellow bloggers like me but they are true readers of my blog which i seriously think is not half as interesting as theirs yet they take out time to read my ish!...Love u guys!
So the last time i was ere was abt a month ago all jaded and all, of course love stinks, well so i thot lol! I had a bit of a situation and i thot so dejavu, so not doing this again, it was just too much to deal with at the time, had school on my neck, work was just not anything to write home about and den HIM! like i said it was a make or break situation and i already signed d dotted lines on the latter but when God says sumtin concerning u no one can alter it thats what i av come to realize. I am not the saintly of persons, i am a far cry infact but sometimes the second chance God gives is almost like u should say Lord pls take it back cuz u realize how much ignorant u av been of who he is, how much you have taken for granted, how much u had forgotten he existed till chaos become ur cloak.
That was me! I was just in on too many daily activities, had misplaced priorities and stopped PRAYING biggest attraction of hell, I knew i had to pray but i just was not motivated to, but aving true friends and a grounded family is nothing to be taken for granted.....It was a crazy time and i say al the time twitter is therapeutic for me, i get on and say rubbish as much as i want, av pple understand or misunderstand ur intentions yet it takes my mind away from the real issue.
Invariably we said BREAK it is and GOD shut us up by saying he MADE us we cant break US, we took time out and reflected on what was going on, what was making us go crazy and realized we stopped praying, and we took each other for granted period! A whole lot of other personal stuff but those 2 things kill relationships fast, i say all d time variety is the spice of life, u av to keep it fresh as much as u can, communicate which is sumtin i do not do to well! Working on that ill rather shut down and burst after but ladies i am no expert but its better u say what u want, how u want it cuz MEN i av accepted are just babies, i av tried to shun that mentality  but they truly are! phew!
All these long story I am good, in a perfect place, learned a lot, Understood Prayer is it or nothing and worship is like the oil that eases the friction between, TRUE WORSHIP melts the heart of GOD.
I went for a women's retreat this weekend and a lady read a scripture that has been marked in my heart forever, I am sorry cannot remember the verses but ill find out..paraphrasing " true worship to God pleases him, and when we worship truly from our hearts the 24 elders in heaven bow down in worship to him our maker " So if the elders in heaven bow down in worship to God who are we not to loose ourselves in worship and see what God wld do for us?
I said earlier i am no preacher. i am a far cry from a saint I am just a wroking progress sharing my highs & lows on ere and i hope someday some experience wld touch a soul or help sumone out!
So the paper i was hoping to make a good grade on despite the chaos on my mind....I made a B+ and my prof was real impressed with my writing, so u see i do function better in crisis even though i thot i wrote a whole bunch of what did not make sense, it just goes to show how much we under estimate ourselves atimes...A bad habit i av!
I av one more week of school before my next semester, 2 weeks of time off and i intend to watch movies, TV shows i av missed and read my stack of novels, DETOX from twitter and catch up with the real world lol! i say that all d tyme but my beautiful followers just attract me back!
I hope this is worth reading , thanks still for getting to this very last part cuz ill leave u with this...............
Everyone wants to be the BEST, but y dont u try for once being the PREFERRED, we all r good at what we do, we av a lot of pple who do best in the same things using diff techniques but instead of H8ing av ur audience and be satisfied in the qaulity of what u give out!

Teju Mola


gretel said...

wosh I loved your blog and I even had to whisper a prayer,
kudos for your B+,that's great.
Just keep being focused.

Myne said...

Congrats on the very good grade, well done. Also i wish you all the best on the new relationship, I think you already know most of what I could have said. Just take care of you.

Teejay said...

Gretel thank u so much! God bless
Myne, u inspire and motivate me, thank u much! mwah!