Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hey y'all
How r u doing? (sound like a wendy williams interview) lol!! I am great and so happy with the past 2 days God is awesome pple. Ok so for a week now i av been having dis dialogue in my head about getting in shape believe me this is like the 100th time (smiles). i was thinking of getting a treadmill or the Wii fitness sports game box, GYM? i av one right down my office and at the shopping center 5/10 mins from my office but arrrrgggghhh! i just dont GO. I hia u say i am not serious (lol) not the case, the commute to my house is like some 1/2 hrs on the bus and train and driving 15 mins tops 20mins but sadly i dont drive yet, and wen the weather turns cold/rainy it just aint pretty believe me.
Its no excuse but the motivation just wont come, then home i av a boxing bag, and a tummy ball which i VISIT once a while, so whats my problem i dont knw honestly i av tried every diet or starvation, the only times i remember loosing weight was in 2003/2004 and den 2006 but since den hmm! hmm! hmm! the pounds keep adding up. Naturally i am not a skinny girl right from birth i was the biggest baby in the hospital, i grew up as teenager in clothes of size 12's and 14 my family is blessed with curves and i seemed to get the extra backside, not complaining its some pples curse i turned to my blessing, u notice how i said sum pples's curse, cuz there is nothing i av not tried if u go for a family reunion with me, my aunts and cousins are identified with that, even my DAD! so pls dont hate .*Giggles*
I relocated to the United States in 2005 still contemplating if it was d brightest move cuz i miss home but we all have to get the hustle on right? Of course i was warned stay away from the pancakes, syrups , americans love food its so attractive bla bla bla! well they never lied, funny thing is half of their food i cant take, I am Lactose intolerant of their milk, mac and cheese a NO NO, pizzas not a cheese fan, burgers the meat dont taste like Mr. Biggs and Chinese aint TFC *Tastee fried Chicken* and d biggest shocker i do not like pancakes nor do i go out to eat so where did all these love handles stem from??
I love BREAD, i was home July '09 gosh those Agege bread hawkers knew me, brown and soft i wish they had dem here :( but they make up for it with all the bagels, sweet bread, cinnamon rolls yeah teju not good! then rice.. thats a sunday ritual so imagine 4 yrs of rice sundays and 3 times a week yeah... i though so too, i av another forte this chinese restaurant by my job ROYAL JADE gosh fried rice & shrimps no veggies or eggs xtra spicy wooooh! its divine but wen i get to the last grain of rice the oil is enough to fry eggs for 2 weeks and lastly some days i am just down, lonely missing my boo and i splurge with Ice cream at that moment i dont care how big my derriere gets i just want to feel good but few hrs later calories packed and the deed cannot be undone.
So now this is kinda of a rough break down on my foods what i love but my time table for eating is way off, i skip meals, binge late watching good movies oh it feels good (killing me lol) and den my metabolism is slow so with all these said, the past few days myself and my girl BIBI we av been talking abt getting back in shape but we wld be conversing on burger or fries , yeah we r silly! but we av decided it is to be done.
1am last night after watching the Wendy Williams show, i was in bed really thinking of getting my treadmill and i cld hear my heart racing , i said God seriously i want to do it this time, just as i was about to switch off the tv set i saw my guide and saw *The Tyra Show* well its tyra apart from screaming et al what can she possible say i clicked on oxygen and guess what *the episode of keeping my shape in shape* a coincidence? I smiled up at God and watched the show , she has lost weight not like she was ever big but she looks cool and she had her NUTRITIONIST on the show, as they talked about the do and donts ill share the important points i got.................................
* Exercise is 20% ur Food and Portions are 80% - i thot d other way round
*the leave 'em carbs - Bagels, bread/rice (white) pancakes - O lord Bread
*love 'em carbs  - Wheat bread, corn, oatmeal brown rice - I still get bread
*Greens r very important
*Portion control
*Protein more of fish & chicken
*Write what u eat , whatever u take, a turkey sandwich, fries , burger  - makes u accountable
*breakfast , oatmeal, fiber cereals, yogurt *fat free* blue berries
*lunch cld be ur love 'em carbs potatoes B/rice with some veggies, fish or turkey breast
* mid - snack FRUITS, bananas, apples, pineapples - i used to dislike fruits love dem now *like i had a choice*
*dinner  should be light , veggies no eating after 7 or at most 8
So all of that being said i decided ill try this for 2 weeks and see how it goes, ill definitely keep u updated for sure, but exercise still needs to be done so i will do some exercise but need to get my portions right!!!
Ill let u know on the 26th hmm thats thanksgiving ok on the 27th how far i av come and what  i av lost (smiles)
I wont share my pounds yet let me loose sum den i can say oh i lost 10 pounds.
So stay wiv me pple and motivate me plzzzz, ill see y'all soon!


Myne said...

These are some tips I got from somewhere. I'm trying to lose weight too. All the best,

Weight Loss Tips

[1.] Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. In provides hydration to your body and help you feel full.

[2.] Eat fruits and vegetables rich in fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast and are also low in calories and help to keep your calorie count low.

[3.] Taking small frequent meals help to balance calorie intake throughout the day, instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the day.

[4.] Walk 20-30 minutes daily after your last meal. These will help you to speed your metabolism up before the food has a chance to get settled in and lower your body fat storage.

[5.] Whenever you feel laziness, take several deep breaths and try to do something creative to keep yourself busy.

[6.] When you slip up on your diet or weight loss program, pick yourself back up immediately and make a renewed commitment to your weight loss goals.

[7.] Cardio exercises are the real secret to lose body fat. Cardio Exercises are the only ones proven to burn calories at a sustained rate and hence qualify to be the best Weight Loss Exercises ever.

Anonymous said...

completely unrelated..

i notice u like ur naija tunes so if u havnt seen this one EKAETTE on youtube by maye hunter..

fantastic video quality, great sound so proud of these guys

oh n thank me

Teejay said...

Thanks Myne wld take dem along with me, I fing it hard to eat 5 times a day though, lol. But ill be on it, goodluck on urs too.
Anonymous eerm thanks for the song heard it already though, lol Thank u l8r :)