Monday, October 19, 2009


Hey y'all
Whats going on out ere? Me its monday and trust me i am not in d best of spirits , i wonder if i wld ever love MONDAYS. Weekend was xtremely short and the rain and weather not to pretty.
I got up this morning and thought to myself, let me get some prince and get married and call it a day with this hustle, up early, get to work, come back assignments freezing ur brain Lawd! i need some vacation rite abt now.
I wonder what i got myself into , this MBA thingy God I look to u cuz i cant believe this is how nervous ill be getting for an assignment CRITICAL THINKING that title is a brain tumour already, my head is in no condition to think , it needs some TLC, sum shopping spree and uhm.... whatever ur mind wanders to, lol., well i guess i need to be a step ahead right, so ill sit my butt and do this program, pls to those dat love me pray for me (LOL).
So, whats new???? My Twitter got a new fam solomonsydelle yay! i am proud of our generation, or should i say we should be grateful to our parents then pat ourselves on the back for turning out the way we did, there's a lot of positivity amongst us, we r all thinking of a better life for our kids tomorrow, so i guess this is d part we say THANK U to our parents, back then we were like jeez cant they just back off but if they did who knows how we wld av turned out.
Some of us went thru the rough path, parents struggling, hunger pangs and doing all they cld so u can go to school, some of us had the luxury, all the comfort either way they bursted their hearts out to make sure we get a better life than they did, i hope we rememeber to say THANK YOU, even if u remember wearing a shirt for a month. or change into the best designs in this world, one thing remains out of a 100% of my generation more than half of us r carrying that torch of success and i am proud to be in this lifetime.
So back to my assignments , ill be back soon, BAGUCCI TAKE THIS ..... lol


Anonymous said...

yay.. thx for the shout out... We call Solomonsydelle the 'Headmistress' in our section of Blogsville.... lol...

The Mister is almost a prince - so chill a bit, and then you can have your wishes....

Our parents sacrificed a lot mehn.. the least we can do is keep succeeding..

Teejay said...

Really, well its good to knw some of us are taking the pen and who knws what lives we might save??
Thanks for always checking out a sis, i must confess i av not been as faithful but i av a blog fam now and u head that list LOL!!
Ill check solomonsydelle out!!