Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hmmm after the anticipated wait, and so much said, Whitney is back and bares all for the first time on Oprah.
I watched the first half of the interview and then read thru the rest on oprah's website, TESTIMONY is all i could think of.
I listened and read with so much passion and sincereity in her voice and thot to myself "Only God cld av done it" and as much as all the blogs and media are putting out negative energy regarding her voice I'll say this just like i said in my last blog "IF U AV NOT WALKED IN MY SHOES, HOW CAN U UNDERSTAND MY PRAISE" she was saved by God thru a horrific experince that has killed many who did not go the length of time she did, rather than be grateful for her break through some pple sit down and would rather re-live those bad moments in her life? Where is the love pple.
I am happy for her and really do commend Oprah on getting her to interview, its still a struggle for her,  but she takes today and looks up to GOD, thank God also for pple who still believed in her like CLIVE DAVIS, in this life it takes just a lil faith to push thru that wall sometimes, she had her family praying for and with her and it might seem like a relapse going on atimes, but thats when LOVE prevails, they knew their WHITNEY and wld not loose her to this world she thot was IT for her. (Drugs, Bobby Brown)
God is awesome, and i cannot but wonder at his ways, Even when we give up on ourselves, God still has faith in us, he might allow that struggle go on till u give up to loose then he shows up and tells u, LOOSING is not an option but WINNING.
Pple like Whitney and  testimonies of pple who thot it was over and God told dem it just started gives me hope and assurance that even when i write myself off, God comes with an eraser and RE - WRITES my story and for that i am forever grateful. Inspiration comes in different forms thru various ways, GOD sends us messages in various ways, we should pray to be more attentive and accepting to what he is telling us.
Some get lucky just like Whitney and others dont cut it , may we not be in the latter category - AMEN
I have listened to some songs on the album and i am definitely going to get a copy this weekend my faves for now from the album are :
Lets give God a reason to give us a chance again.
Peace & love

Mola '09


James Silas said...

Though I didn't get to see the Oprah show but I've been following the whole Whitney-Bobby Brown-Drugs saga since day 1. I didn't try to judge her for what-so-ever reason but experience, like they say is the best teacher...and she has gone through that fire to come out 'Golden'...the story is a long one and I'm not about to analyse that right now. I give credit to Akon for also believing in her. Some people might not like this, but really, I think Michael Jackson had a related trouble but never came out alive. I talk too much so I'ma shut up right here....nice blog tho!
you can check mine whenever you can and

Anonymous said...

guess it goes to show that there is still hope for redemption... as long as there is still ife..

Teejay said...

Thanks James & Bagucci for stopping by