Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hey, hey, hey,
        Hows everyone doing? gr8 i suppose, its a new week.... well for those who celebrated labor day yday, its a new month and glorious things are happening around me, so y wont i be grateful.
I hope you r all fine, and for those of us going thru one thing or another, i pray the good lord would comfort u and give u a warm hug cuz it only gets better.
I am excited for things happening , about to happen and has happened, God has been so good and faithful and i now believe in the test of time, (Sigh) its a rough phase, a depressing time and a time nothing else matters but giving up but as the saying goes AFTER THE RAIN COMES THE SHINE, it might seem like it wld never end but it would and when it does all that time u spent waiting seems like NO TIME.
I am trying to share a testimony i cant really say for now, but i just want whoever ends up reading this piece to believe thru the pain and all, ur joy is coming just hold forth, bear the pain a lil longer, yes u r human so get angry, get disappointed but God is still God. Save urself the energy wasted on negativity and get on ur knees just in awe of God, Sumtimes u dont av to say anything cuz he already knows but pray tell TRUST HIM.
I was on facebook and saw this lovely and inspiring status update from a friend...IF U NEVER FELT/FEEL MY PAIN, HOW CAN U UNDERSTAND MY PRAISE???, I was full of admiration for God for such beautiful words, cuz now i understand why David must av danced like a mad man, or understand when a man sprawls on the floor, or a woman cries endlessly  in church or when praising God, e.g Hannah.
That sentence taught me never to underestimate anyone's praise to God cuz u dont knw how long they have been travelling with that sore on their foot, that pain in thair back, those tears that stung their eyes....So let them go mad before God, cuz praise melts the heart of our Almighty.
A shout out to my girls Yvoone & Toyin and my coz & friend Yinka Elegbe & Osaretin who got married this last weekend in Nigeria, Happy married life my dears, May he fill ur homes with honey and more honey :o).
A shout out to a dear friend who is celebrating his bday today and wld be walking down the aisle by the end of the year...@ jobzy love u a million times over and wish u the best today & always. Happy bday :o)
Ok, gotto go back to work, just thot ill share my thots today with y'all

Peace & love