Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hey y'all
Nothing much is happening on my planet for now, i feel so bad i have not be intimate with my mind lately, sorry been preoccupied with Prison Break, i knw its becoming an addiction phew! Anyways am good and just chilling, its mid week and cant wait for friday cuz monday is a holiday Labor day hmmm cant wait.
Its so funny how am so uninterested in movies or books at the moment am so fixated on Prison break with its wonderful and sexy cast of guys, Dominc purcell... he reminds me of a good friend of mine Torkunma Abunku esp with his voice shout out TK, Wenthworth Miller... he's all mine and Amaury Nolasco he puts Ricky Martin in the pits cuz thats one sexy pueterican stud!........ imagine having all these as dessert , Cookies & cream , Vanilla & Caramel all in order of their names...... its called PARADISE!!!
Okay before i get myself in more trouble than i already did let me be gone cuz i av nothing to say than am crushing over these guys at the moment with Miller being no 1.


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