Sunday, April 6, 2008


Hey y'all
Was up , phew! am so good, lol had my bday yesterday and had the most amazing house party/dinner organized by my friends! twas so fun it started like 8pm and ended like 3am. Had the whole arguements, dance offs, everything you can think about! I am so grateful to everyone for making it special, i feel so appreciated and loved and compared to last year hell no! this was off the chain.
Nola tried to be here, i knw he wished he could but i got all i needed dont ask me how, lol. Well right now just wanted to put up pix and let u knw how my day went, i had more friends around but they are not facebook or blogger friendly so their pix isn't up. But i love my sis Toke & girl kemi for being good spots!
Aight ill be back need to catch up on sleep.


Kunta said...

Happy Birthday again.
You sure had fun...

Chika said...

hey gurl!i can see you are having fun.happy belated birthday.hows miss toks.miss you guys!