Friday, August 26, 2011


God understand his children perfectly and the reason why he gives us our NEEDS

But human beings take for granted the feelings of others in various forms
In friendship, relationships, business operations, marriage, parenting!!!!
We cant pre empt God at the same time dont blame God for ur tardiness
Emotionally lazy pple are not Lazy to me they are plain selfish
Life is what it is we take if we can keep getting but what abt the giver?
When the giver is finally sapped out what happens???
This is where the true selfish xters come out at the same time
The givers are to blame cuz they never know when to stop or say NO
In a relationship we might be what we NEED for each other but
The power of WANT shld never be undermined, not even in this day
U can be all I need but If I dont want u I would never realize MY NEED
An important reason God's timing should be respected and appreciated
Every Man wants a wife, home keeper, kids and a home to come to but
Are u the Man she wants?
Every Woman wants a husband with a fat bank account, a socialite (for some)A money bag, father to her kids but are u the woman he wants???
Little things we take for granted are the mighty cracks we watch cave in
It seems trivial at first but A relationship is not about COMFORT its COMPROMISE
I know life hapens, work, kids, making ends meet but if u take a second to think
Where did all the fun go? Now its Morning, breakfast, kids, work, home and Gudnyt
Why wont it be alright to look elsewhere?
It is normal the stars fall out of the eyes after some time together but
Also once in a while indulge in putting those stars back on ur partner
I have this saying....................
"When the landlord mistreats his house, the Tenant becomes a Lord 2"
This goes for both sexes, Never Ignore ur partner's WANTS
What u think is absurd to give to ur partner someone else thinks its a token

No one's life is going to be the same as urs, reactions wld always be different
Some of our wants are misplaced and selfish true but lets be careful
We dont get too wrapped up in our comfort zones to make others uncomfortable
We might NEED each other but do we WANT each other
Think abt that and maybe open urself up a little to giving in to a WANT
May God help us all in our sojourn to find bliss

Tej(C) 2011

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