Friday, May 30, 2008


Hey everybody was up with u? hope u all had a nice night at least for those in my continent.
Ok yesterday i was going on about my playlist and u can never guess whats happened. I left the office reluctant to go to the gym ( made up for it this morning at least, lol) got home and decided to clean my kitchen and i could only do that with my ipod to my ears, anyways i was going to cook eventually and this was about 8:30 pm hmmmm. I got my ipod and started dancing to lollipop by lil wayne, that song is ill believe me my kitchen was cleared in a jiffy and i cooked till about 12 midnight. Trust am not a weirdo or something i just enjoy cooking when no one wld be in & out of my kitchen and i have the space to myself clean, lol well i got hooked on lollipop and i realized that when i woke up this morning at 6am to be moving to lollipop and on my way to work.
Thats that, NEWS FLASH!!! i am beginning to realize i have a thing for photography and might decide to have a little affair with that and see how it goes, wish me luck though. People think i love taking pix but truth is i just love to photograph and since i can't get models i model myself which results to many pix of me ( yeah rite) and God bless the picture editting tools u would be amazed at its wonders.
Ok, nothing much is going on rite now am at work and thank jesus my bosses are in Court session this morning so let me chill all i can now and wow!!!!!!!! i jinxed that, one just came in........

1 comment:

Sam Oracle said...

Well, the day is almost over. I bet you had a great time today.
That Lil wayne track is really tight.