Saturday, February 12, 2011


The lil girl u admired back then,
The lady u impressed afterwards……
Now the woman who makes ur home
She is honoured with this role by God
U the husband are the completion of God’s plan……..
She is the one who gives ur life a balance
She is the one who minimizes the chaos around u
She is the one who takes the responsibility for u
She is the one who takes over from ur mother
She is the one who gives back the seed u gave …….
She bears ur child and brings respect to ur home
She is the one who supports u thru…….
She is the one who kneels on ur behalf
She is the one whose prayers are a halo over U
She is the light in ur world but chooses to be the shadow
She is never scared to let u shine……….
She is content with loving u and making you happy
She protects her own and guards her home possessively
She may not know it all but she is willing to learn………
She listens even when she should talk……..
She prays when she should fight……..
She loves when she should hate…..
She never denies u herself………
She holds on with all she has, when she should give up……
She protects ur name when she should smear it………
She loses herself in finding you……..
She is Woman, mother, friend, sister, daughter…….
More importantly she is………
P.S – Not downplaying the roles of our men, the husbands/fathers are the reasons we are mothers and wives. So not intended to bash Man, inspiration came to write this, so my wonderful men I shall return the favour, also unfortunately as hard as it is the truth is some do not honour this title as God has ordained. To all the good wives God bless u and teach u PATIENCE, WISDOM and bless u always!


The fresh taste of victory, the leap of faith and falling with no fear.................
The strength it has, the hope it brings and the stance it takes.........
The warmth it gives, the flames it ignites and the coolness thereafter.........
The promise of a tomorrow, the assurance of today and trust in the future.............
The calmness of it all, how effortless and peaceful it comes...........
The beauty it beholds, the sacredness and purity it commands..........
I am loving it, I am living it and I am never leaving it.............


I really av not been a gud girl with this blog updates :) Phew!!! so much to do, school, work and all imagine wen the kids and husband come?
Its the month of love February and with just a few days to vals day some are getting into the hype and some are just not with it..........
Ur girl is just a lover all day anytime so Feb 14 for me is go out and enjoy urself if u believe in it if not be mute and stop running other people's fun down..........
Lastly for those who seek personal interests on such day oh well, lets see how far u go..........
I have been having a beautiful time, taking each day as it comes and loving every moment of it.................
I look back and boy! has God been amazing or what? I cant even believe it sometimes................
I am so blessed with all I need and the wants I know God is taking them according to priority...............
As usual same old life, people would be people, I laugh at how these social networks have evolved......
People have become so mean, tactless and fake, no decorum whatsoever, no fun, no realness anymore
Every thing u do or say is being scrutinized once someone has a place to feast his or her frustrations...........
Oh! well I just sit, read and laugh its funny I do not think I av made any billions yet....................
So having sumone getting all mad at me makes no sense but then again the DEVIL IS SURE REAL.............
Anyways enough with that, I just hope we all realize we are all human prone to mistakes open to LOVE.
Going ahead with my next update .....................