Saturday, February 12, 2011


I really av not been a gud girl with this blog updates :) Phew!!! so much to do, school, work and all imagine wen the kids and husband come?
Its the month of love February and with just a few days to vals day some are getting into the hype and some are just not with it..........
Ur girl is just a lover all day anytime so Feb 14 for me is go out and enjoy urself if u believe in it if not be mute and stop running other people's fun down..........
Lastly for those who seek personal interests on such day oh well, lets see how far u go..........
I have been having a beautiful time, taking each day as it comes and loving every moment of it.................
I look back and boy! has God been amazing or what? I cant even believe it sometimes................
I am so blessed with all I need and the wants I know God is taking them according to priority...............
As usual same old life, people would be people, I laugh at how these social networks have evolved......
People have become so mean, tactless and fake, no decorum whatsoever, no fun, no realness anymore
Every thing u do or say is being scrutinized once someone has a place to feast his or her frustrations...........
Oh! well I just sit, read and laugh its funny I do not think I av made any billions yet....................
So having sumone getting all mad at me makes no sense but then again the DEVIL IS SURE REAL.............
Anyways enough with that, I just hope we all realize we are all human prone to mistakes open to LOVE.
Going ahead with my next update .....................

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